Why Join the ILA?

June 6, 2017
Post: Why Join the ILA?

We asked a few of our members to provide us with a comment or two about why they are members of the ILA. Here’s what they had to say:

Bob Stephenson, The Literacy Coalition of Howard County and ILA President:
I joined ILA for the networking opportunities. In the 18 years I have been at the Literacy Coalition so many great people have mentored me and I love the opportunities to share ideas and experiences. My ILA membership gives me that opportunity and has helped me keep my program viable through good and bad times.

Dan Helms, Board Member:
I believe in the mission of literacy organizations, and in the need for the statewide leadership and coordination of adult literacy activities provided by the ILA.

Pat Griffin, Interlocal Association and ILA Board Member:
I was encouraged to join by Tom Miller who thought it would be good to expand membership to workforce development board staff to add a new perspective. I now have a better understanding of literacy programs and their significance in preparing people in getting jobs as well as higher educational attainment. I have met many compassionate instructors and directors, realizing the commonality of our professions.

Laura Priebe, Hoosier Hills Literacy League and ILA member:
Joining a state professional organization makes sense for a lot of reasons! As the sole employee of a small non-profit, I often feel like a one-woman show! Connecting with my colleagues across the state helps me exchange ideas and keeps my practice fresh. It’s great to compare notes on what works in different areas, and get ideas and encouragement to try new strategies. Besides the practical exchange of ideas, ILA membership reminds me that I am part of a team.

Cynthia (Cindy) Cates, Kosciusko Literacy Services and ILA member:
Kosciusko Literacy Services was a member of the Indiana Literacy Foundation. Before it was dissolved, I attended the conference and was impressed by the training session. KLS joined ILA to share best practices. Since each adult and family literacy agency is managed differently in the 92 counties, ILA remains a clearinghouse to share ideas, problems, and solutions.

Dawn Schmidt, Huntington County Literacy Coalition and ILA member:
ILA membership is valuable to us for all the networking that it can provide. Although we are a small literacy program it is good to be a part of a community of like minds, with shared goals and concerns. It is a good resource group.

Become an ILA Member today!
Our goal is to be THE voice for literacy programs and students in the State of Indiana. We strive to be the place that helps tell the stories, make the connections, offer the assistance that will allow our member organizations to grow and succeed. Your support will allow us to achieve these goals.

Individual/Literacy Organizations: $45

Visit our membership page to sign up or renew!

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