We asked our board members to provide us with a comment or two about the Literacy Strand at this year’s IAACE conference. Here’s what they had to say:
Jennifer Wigginton, Vice-President:
I loved hearing the input from all the participants in my online tutor training workshop. Check it out here. If you are a member of ILA and want full access, send email to inlitassoc@gmail.com. We of course welcome input on improvement.
The other great thing I learned about is the http://learntoearntoolkit.org/. It is a free resource we are implementing!
Check out https://www.facebook.com/IndianaLiteracyAssociation/ page for a video feed of part of Tom Miller’s presentation, Using Music and Pictures to Teach Reading and Writing. It includes some sample pictures within post. Superb!
If you didn’t make it to my session, High Level Learning for Low Level Learners, Here is the handout: https://sites.google.com/litcenter.org/highlevellearning/home.
Mike Landram, Treasurer:
Dana Nelson’s session on “Grow Your Non-Profit’ with Email & Social Media provided new ideas for our organization in improving the effectiveness of our email content and tying our social media channels together.
* If you would like to hear from Dana and view her presentation slides let us know! We’ll connect you with Dana.
Pat Griffin, Board Member:
– The literacy strand was a valuable resource and since a first time offering, if repeating in 2018, it should catch on fire, with higher participation by literacy providers. More sessions on literacy would spark more interest by those attending. Others in attendance learned about literacy programs, including training your tutors online, on literacy day.
– Denise Bissonnette provided a reminder of the importance of the unique skills of each person, and the importance of trying to utilize those in job development, as opposed to trying to fit someone who may not be a “natural fit” into an existing job.
Darcey Mitschelen, Board Member:
As a person new to the world of literacy, I am hungry for information. The “Training Your Tutors Online” offered much needed insight and guidance as did the “Less Talk, More Walk – Creating a Culture of Ethics and Accountability” session. Well, actually, all of the conference sessions were very helpful! But in the end, the most helpful was, and continues to be, the ability to have one-on-one casual conversations with expert practitioners and dedicated educators beyond the sessions. The relationships that were forged are of the deepest of value.
* Please feel free to share your comments with us via email or by posting your feedback in the comments section below.